/PMQs – Starmer: Sunak playing ‘fantasy economics’
PMQs - Starmer: Sunak playing 'fantasy economics'

PMQs – Starmer: Sunak playing ‘fantasy economics’

PMQs – Starmer: Sunak playing ‘fantasy economics’

PMQs – Starmer: Sunak playing ‘fantasy economics’

This weeks session comes as local elections in England and Wales take place on Thursday.

PM: Labour hit pensioners with “tax after tax”

Starmer: Economic black hole in tory spending plans. PM must admit he has utterly failed

PM asked about illegal migrants.  In particular one flown to Rwanda voluntarily with his child.

PM We will stop boats, Labour will stop the planes.

Officials would not be drawn on any details, other than to say the asylum seeker had exhausted all rights to be in the UK.

Could be talk of a child who drowned during an illegal crossing and the father could not save his child.

Ireland is unhappy with the number of boat people who have crossed the border from Northern Ireland and set-up camps in the country.

The UK will not take back asylum seekers who have crossed into Ireland.  This as the Rwanda deportation scheme gets going, Rishi Sunak has said.

The Irish deputy PM has said people are crossing from Northern Ireland because they fear being sent to east Africa.

Will there be chat about Humza Yousaf resigning as Scotland’s First Minister.


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