/Rishi Sunak calls General Election July 4
Rishi Sunak calls General Election July 4

Rishi Sunak calls General Election July 4

Rishi Sunak calls General Election July 4 – in the rain outside Downing Street

Rishi Sunak calls General Election July 4

Standing in the rain outside No 10 Rishi Sunak announced a general electin on July 4.

He had asked King Charles to dissolve Parliament on 30 May – this was granted.

Sunak was proud of what his government had achieved as he set out his intentions to fight for “every vote”.

The Covid-19 pandemic had upended life in the UK, he said, and the war in Ukraine had sent energy bills spiralling.

He had worked to restore economic stability and bring mortgage rates down.

He vowed he had never left and would “never leave people to face the darkest of days alone”.

Sunak said there were uncertain times ahead but insisted he and his government had a clear plan.

He accused Starmer of having no plan and said: “I don’t know what they offer – and in truth, I don’t think you do either.”

Will you be voting?  Who will you choose?  Is there a real choice?

Let’s hope it doesn’t rain on the day of voting.

As of Friday, Parliament will not be sitting. MPs will go back to their constituencies and campaigning begins in full.

But there are an awful lot of laws currently making their way through parliament.  There seems to be goodwill from both main parties in making sure the infected blood compensation happens.


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