/Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry – Paula Vennells
Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry - Paula Vennells

Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry – Paula Vennells

Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry – Paula Vennells – faces victims

Former Post Office boss Paula Vennells gives her final day of evidence at the inquiry into the Horizon IT scandal.

It comes a day after a law quashing convictions from the Horizon IT scandal was approved by Parliament.

Between 1999 and 2015, more than 900 sub-postmasters were prosecuted because of the faulty Horizon system.

On Thursday, the inquiry heard that the Post Office dropped a review into the convictions of sub-postmasters over fears it would make “front page news”.

The Post Office previously insisted that Horizon – the accountancy software used by sub-postmasters in branches – was robust.

“There were so many forks in the road, but you always took the wrong path, didn’t you?”

Strong words by Edward Henry KC, who is representing some sub-postmasters and is first up asking questions today.

Many people in the Inquiry room look at each other with wry smiles, impressed at Henry’s opening remarks.

There is absolute silence in the room – everyone is watching with rapt attention.

“You preach compassion but don’t practice it,” Henry says.


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