/The Commandant’s Shadow – trailer – 12 July
The Commandant's Shadow - trailer

The Commandant’s Shadow – trailer – 12 July

The Commandant’s Shadow – trailer – arrives in UK cinemas July 12

The Commandant’s Shadow – trailer

Follows Hans Jürgen Höss, the 87-year-old son of Rudolf Höss, faces his father’s terrible legacy as he meets Auschwitz survivor Anita Lasker-Wallfisch. Hans enjoyed a happy childhood while Anita was trying to survive the concentration camp.

Two lives. Two stories. One wall that divided them. Witness the historic moment over 70 years after the Holocaust when the son of the Commandant of Auschwitz meets an incredible survivor.

Director – Daniela Volker

Writer – Daniela Volker

Stars – Adolf Hitler | Rudolf Hoess | Hans-Jürgen Höss | Kai Höss


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From Warner Bros. Pictures and HBO Documentary Films comes filmmaker Daniela Völker’s timely and poignant documentary “The Commandant’s Shadow,” which follows Hans Jürgen Höss, the 87-year-old son of Rudolf Höss, as he faces his father’s terrible legacy for the first time. His father was the Camp Commandant of Auschwitz and masterminded the murder of over a million Jews; the life of Höss and his family was recently fictionalized in the Academy Award-winning “The Zone of Interest.” Now, “The Commandant’s Shadow” tells the story of the real people who lived on site at Höss’s death camp.

The film features original excerpts of Rudolf Höss’ long-forgotten autobiography, written shortly before his execution. His words are the ultimate proof of what really happened at Auschwitz, documented by the perpetrator himself, countering denial and ignorance of the Holocaust.

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