/Never Let Go – trailer – 27 September
Never Let Go - trailer

Never Let Go – trailer – 27 September

Never Let Go – trailer – hits UK cinemas September 27

Never Let Go – trailer

A family that has been haunted by an evil spirit for years. Their safety and their surroundings come into question when one of the children questions if the evil is real.

Lionsgate has released – “Never Let Go”.

It follows a mother and her fraternal twin sons, who have protected themselves from a malicious spirit for years under the family’s protective bond.

However, when one of the boys begins to question the existence of the evil, the bond is broken, leading to a terrifying fight for survival.

Director – Alexandre Aja

Writers – KC Coughlin – Ryan Grassby

Stars – Halle Berry – Christin Park – Stephanie Levigne


Variety – Berry is no stranger to horror and thriller films.  Berry has starred in “Gothika,” “The Rich Man’s Wife.”   Also “Perfect Stranger,” “Dark Tide” and “The Call.”

At Lionsgate’s CinemaCon panel in April, the Oscar-winning actor said she took on the role in “Never Let Go” because she’s a “bonafide adrenaline junkie”. Also, the film “gave [her] an opportunity to be a part of a world [she] had never seen before.”

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