/Rishi Sunak – Rwanda flights go come what may
Rishi Sunak - Rwanda news conference

Rishi Sunak – Rwanda flights go come what may

Rishi Sunak – Rwanda flights go come what may – Live

LIVE: Prime Minister Rishi Sunak news conference on Rwanda immigration scheme.

PM: No foreign court will stop us.  We start the flights and stop the boats

Opponents used every trick in the book.  Sunak insists “these flights are going to Rwanda”.

Vows first flight leaves in 10-12 weeks.  Flights will go “come what may”.  People’s patience has run out.

The PM addresses the country from Downing Street.   This ahead of a final parliamentary showdown over the Government’s deportation plan for asylum seekers.

Rishi Sunak insists the policy to process asylum seekers in Rwanda will become law.  This even if MPs sit late into the night to pass it.

A stand-off over the bill between the two houses of Parliament has lasted for past four months.

On Friday the PM said no more delays.  He added: “We will sit there and vote until it’s done.”

The government’s planned legislation would drastically limit the grounds for legal challenges to its scheme.  This to fly asylum seekers out to Rwanda.  The bill makes it easier to remove refugees arrived in the UK by illegal means.

Last Wednesday the House of Lords blocked its passage into law by demanding changes to the bill.  This included an amendment that would exempt asylum seekers from Afghanistan.  Those who had previously assisted British troops when the military was stationed there.


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