Palestine protesters invade insurance offices – two arrested
Palestine protesters invade insurance offices
Groups from Climate Justice, Palestine liberation and migrants’ rights movements held protest in cities across England.
Two people were arrested for climbing a building to drop a banner in central London. Other protesters ‘crashed’ insurers offices and occupied foyers.
Protest groups stormed offices in Manchester, Birmingham, Lancaster, Guildford, Blackburn and Preston.
Research by Boycott Bloody Insurance has identified which insurers provide Emploers’ Liability cover in the UK to deadly companies.
They targeted Aviva, AIG, Allianz and Axa.
Andrew Taylor for Boycott Bloody Insurance said: “Insurers underwrite weapons, detention centres, and fossil fuels. This causes environmental destruction, human rights abuses and genocide”.
Groups involved in the protests include Coal Action Network, Palestine Youth Movement, Parents 4 Palestine, Energy Embargo for Palestine, Tipping point UK,. Also Youth Front for Palestie and Axe Drax.
Boycott Bloody Insurance recently released a detailed report titled “Ensuring Genocide. The Insurance Industry and Israel’s War Machine”. It revealed that insurers including Allianz, Avia, Axa, Zurich and RSA collectively invested over $1.7 billion in companies supplying military equipment used by Israelsince 7 October 2024.
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