/Labour Party Conference – Angela Rayner ‘change begins’
Labour Party Conference - Angela Rayner 'change begins'

Labour Party Conference – Angela Rayner ‘change begins’

Labour Party Conference – Angela Rayner ‘change begins’ – watch 

Labour Party Conference – Angela Rayner ‘change begins’

Deputy Prime Minister, Angela Rayner delivers a speech at the Conference.  She kicks off proceedings with a speech on housing.

Angela Rayner said ‘now change begins’ and the Party will “get Britain building”.  Rayner also set out measures to protect renters from fire safety defects, damp and mould in her speech at the Labour Party conference.

The deputy prime minister, who is also the housing secretary, will commit to “building homes fit for the future” when she opens the party’s first annual gathering since winning the general election.

The package will include bringing forward a Remediation Acceleration Plan this autumn to speed up the removal of unsafe cladding on high-rise buildings.

Deadly cladding remains on more than half of all residential blocks of flats identified as at risk since the Grenfell fire in 2017.

The issue has come back into the spotlight following the conclusion of the inquiry into the tragedy, which found that “systematic dishonesty” contributed to the blaze that killed 72 people.

There’s a lot of publicity surrounding the leadership of the Party concerning accepting gifts of clothes. Earlier on Laura Kuenssberg asked the Deputy PM about the issue.  Rayner said she does not believe she broke any rules.



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