/Together with Lorenza Mazzetti – documentary trailer
Together with Lorenza Mazzetti - documentary trailer

Together with Lorenza Mazzetti – documentary trailer

Together with Lorenza Mazzetti – documentary trailer – watch a preview 

Together with Lorenza Mazzetti – documentary trailer

Lorenza Mazzetti (1927-2020) survived profound wartime trauma in Italy to become a central figure in the British cinema renaissance of the late 1950s.

Also a celebrated novelist in 1960s Italy country of her birth.  Lorenza raised in the Tuscan countryside by her aunt Nina and uncle Robert Einstein, a cousin of Albert.  Lorenza a teenage girl when the SS murdered her aunt and cousins – Robert killed himslef a year later.

In 1951 Lorenza came to London to study painting at the Slade School of Fine Art.

Based on interviews recorded in her last years, Together with Lorenza Mazzetti tells her remarkable story.

The documentary is directed and produced by Associate Professor of Fine Art at The Slade School (UCL), Brighid Lowe.

Co-produced by Henry K Miller.  He interviews Lorenza throughout the film.

Director Brighid Lowe:  “When editing the film, I conceived it as a kind of elegy for the 20th century and the post-war collision of darkness and opportunity.”

To view full documentary go: BFI Player from 26th August.

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