/Outside Downing Street – Rishi Sunak says sorry and goodbye
Outside Downing Street - Rishi Sunak says sorry and goodbye

Outside Downing Street – Rishi Sunak says sorry and goodbye

Outside Downing Street – Rishi Sunak says sorry and goodbye

Outside Downing Street – Rishi Sunak says sorry and goodbye

#GeneralElection2024 #KeirStarmer #ynuktv

Labour – 412  |  Conservatives – 120  |  LD – 71  |  SNP – 9  |  SF –  7  |  PC – 4 | Reform UK – 4 | DUP – 5 

Rishi Sunak has said goodbye.  Outside Downing Street the ousted Prime Minister said: I have “heard your anger”.  He also said sorry and then told the nation he was standing down as leader of the party.

Sunak’s apology to the country fired a starting pistol on leadership race before going to Buckingham Palace for final audience with king.

“I have given this job my all, but you have sent a clear signal that the government of the United Kingdom must change. And yours is the only judgment that matters.”

The former Prime Minister managed to turn the country red.  Some of his cabinet members lost their seats leaving the Tories with very few well known faces

What are your thoughts?  A good election result?  Time for a new government?


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