/Scotland Health Minister given Holyrood ban over ipad scandal
Scotland Health Minister quits over iPad row

Scotland Health Minister given Holyrood ban over ipad scandal

Scotland Health Minister given Holyrood ban over ipad scandal – ran up debt of £11,000

Scotland Health Minister given Holyrood ban over ipad scandal

29 May: MSPs have agreed to hand Michael Matheson a record ban from parliament for breaching Holyrood’s expenses policy.

The former Scottish health secretary banned from sitting for 27 sitting days and will have his salary withdrawn for 54 days.

Earlier, Scotland’s health secretary Michael Matheson resigned ahead of the report into an £11,000 bill that was racked up on his parliamentary iPad.

Mr Matheson said he was standing down because he did not want the row over the bill to become a distraction.

The iPad charges, initially paid out of the public purse, were incurred during a family trip to Morocco in late 2022.

When details of the bill were first made public, he said the device had only been used for parliamentary work.

But he subsequently admitted that his sons had used the iPad as a data hotspot so they could watch football.

He has since paid back the bill in full and apologised.

His resignation ahead of the publication of an investigation into the incident by the Scottish Parliament Corporate Body.   It examined whether Mr Matheson made an improper expenses claim.


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