/The Life of Chuck – trailer
The Life of Chuck - trailer

The Life of Chuck – trailer

The Life of Chuck – trailer – due in UK cinemas June 6

A life-affirming, genre-bending story based on Stephen King’s novella about three chapters in the life of an ordinary man named Charles Krantz.

Director – Mike Flanagan

Writers – Mike Flanagan – Stephen King

Stars – Tom Hiddleston – Karen Gillan – Chiwetel Ejiofor – Benjamin Pajak – Jacob Tremblay


Charles Krantz is not some superhero, spy, or someone with lots of money and a jet-setting lifestyle. In fact, he’s the opposite: he’s ordinary.

A Review:

A sweet movie with a simple message

I went into The Life of Chuck knowing nothing about it other than it being a Stephen King novella.

I assumed the movie was going to be horror, and I was so wrong, in the best way. Mike Flanagan a director I was unfamiliar with as well – so my expectations were really empty.

That being said – The Life of Chuck took the beats of what makes a great horror film – fleshed out and relatable characters with a unique and mysterious situation to put them in.

I want to leave my critique relatively vague as I believe the hook of the film works best going in without knowing much.

Left the film feeling a mix of joy and melancholy and appreciated the artistry that brought me there.

I do recommend.

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