/Assisted dying: people must not face ‘bureaucratic thicket’
Assisted dying: people must not face 'bureaucratic thicket'

Assisted dying: people must not face ‘bureaucratic thicket’

Assisted dying: people must not face ‘bureaucratic thicket’

Assisted dying: people must not face ‘bureaucratic thicket’

MPs began taking evidence as they consider the assisted dying bill – the current version, which has not been passed, says there is “no obligation” for doctors to participate in assisted dying.

A Select committee is examining evidence as to whether there should be changes to the current Bill.

Tory MP Rebecca Paul asks whether the NHS will be ready in time to deliver assisted dying safely and equitably.

The chief medical officer in England, Professor Sir Chris Whitty, said people must not face a “bureaucratic thicket” if they choose to die – although he is neutral on the bill itself.

The bill would give adults in England and Wales the right to ask a doctor to end their life, in certain circumstances.

They would have less than six months to live, and two doctors would need to say they’re eligible – the High Court would then consider the request.

MPs voted in favour of the bill in November – it is now going through months of scrutiny and further votes.

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