/Space Debris Conference – Belfast
Space Debris Conference - Belfast

Space Debris Conference – Belfast

Space Debris Conference – Belfast – at the ICC 4-6 June 2025

Space plays an increasingly crucial role in our daily lives, and the issue of space debris looms large on the horizon.

Imagine a scenario where everyday services like TV, navigation, weather forecasting, and online banking disrupted due to a satellite collision.

This a rising concern and why the UK government is taking bold steps to mitigate the risks associated with space debris by investing in national capabilities and international cooperation.

Statistical models estimate approximately 40,500 space debris objects measuring more than 10 cm in orbit actively tracked and catalogued.

These include relics of the past such as old satellites, spent rocket bodies, and fragments from previous collisions.

Risk to active satellites

Active satellites that provide vital services here on Earth are at risk of collision with other satellites and the huge quantity of human-made debris in orbit around our planet which is why we work to promote the responsible use of space.

The UK, in accordance with the National Space Strategy, is ramping up its efforts in space sustainability. This includes two studies, awarded to Astroscale and ClearSpace, towards a national active debris removal (ADR) mission.

The 2025 ISAM Conference will be held on 4-6 June 2025 at the ICC Belfast.

Go here to view more :  https://www.isamconference.co.uk/

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