/IN FULL: Sir Keir Starmer speech on NHS commitments
LIVE: Sir Keir Starmer speech on NHS commitments

IN FULL: Sir Keir Starmer speech on NHS commitments

IN FULL: Sir Keir Starmer speech on NHS commitments

IN FULL: Sir Keir Starmer speech on NHS commitments

The Prime Minister uses the speech to highlight his “plan for change” commitments on health. The target – for 92% of patients to wait no longer than 18 weeks from referral to treatment in non-urgent cases by the end of the parliament.

He is at a healthcare provider in Surrey,

Starmer: we need NHS reform from top to bottom.

Prime Minister pledges to reduce NHS waiting lists.

Patients will also be able to use the NHS app to choose from different healthcare providers.  NHS must become more digital and advanced.

The NHS cannot become a ‘national money pit’ says PM.

Care needs to be shifted away from hospitals.  NHS staff are working harder than ever, but the state of the health service means this isn’t making a difference, Starmer continues.

Health Secretary says target will be achieved by “bringing care closer to home” and giving patients “more choice”.

The Elective Reform plan is part of a wider goal of delivering two million extra appointments b the end of 2026.

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