/Italian Prince to Launch Immersive Video Game
Italian Prince to Launch Immersive Video Game for Royal Fans

Italian Prince to Launch Immersive Video Game

Italian Prince to Launch Immersive Video Game – for Royal Fans

Italian Prince to Launch Immersive Video Game

RoyaLand, a video game created by Prince Emanuele Filiberto of Savoy, is an immersive digital universe where players can explore the world of royals.

The 52-year-old grandson of Italy’s last king worked alongside seven other royal families, also represented in the game, to develop the digital world including deposed royals from Albania, Bulgaria, France, Yugoslavia, Russia’s Romanov family, Germany’s Mecklenburg dynasty and monarchs in Lesotho.

Players are able to build virtual kingdoms in a “collaborative experience” which allows them to interact with and battle their rivals for supremacy.

But the game has received a mixed reaction online, with some people questioning the intentions behind the game.

But it will be competing against a number of other major games.

The release of Grand Theft Auto 6 (GTA 6).

It’s due to land in autumn, 12 years after prequel GTA 5 arrived on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, breaking launch records, external.

The sequel already broke records with its first trailer, which racked up an astonishing 90 million views in 24 hours, external when it debuted last December.

#videogames  #games  #royals

Video courtesy Royal Family Channel

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