/Best and Worst Artworks of the Royal Family
Best and Worst Artworks of the Royal Family

Best and Worst Artworks of the Royal Family

Best and Worst Artworks of the Royal Family 

Best and Worst Artworks of the Royal Family

A new bronze statue of the late Queen Elizabeth II criticised for being “laughably bad”.

It’s at the centre of latest row over how Britain’s longest-reigning monarch depicted in art.

Unveiled last week in Antrim Castle Gardens, Belfast, the sculpture aims to reflect Elizabeth II and Prince Philip’s impeccable grace.

But critics say the late Queen’s arms out of proportion and the couple look too young.

The statue ridiculed for bearing no resemblance to the monarch “in any shape or form”.

Antrim and Newtownabbey borough council posted photos from the unveiling on social media.  This attracted criticism in the comments, since been turned off.

This statue now part of a growing collection of royal art pieces around the world some well-received, while others met with less enthusiasm.

Richard Morris, an art historian and critic, said: “I was rather confused who it was actually. There’s no similarity. “My criticism is that it’s very unmoving. It’s rather like a paper illustration,” he said.

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