/Prime Minister: Keir Starmer outside Downing Street
Prime Minister: Keir Starmer outside Downing Street

Prime Minister: Keir Starmer outside Downing Street

Prime Minister: Keir Starmer outside Downing Street

Prime Minister: Keir Starmer outside Downing Street

#generalelection2024 #RishiSunak #KeirStarmer

Electiion is over and it was a Labour Landslide.

“We did it” says Keith Starmer as Labour wins General Election.

Keir Starmer entered 10 Downing Street as the new Prime Minister.  The Labour Party painted the country red virtually obliterating the blues.

It’s “the Starmer tsunami” as one shellshocked opponent put it.

Millions headed for the polling stations on 4 July to place their vote for the person or party they would like to have govern the country.

Rishi Sunak accepted historic defeat and says it was his responsibility.  But it is suggested he will stay as leader of the Conservative Party.  Will it last?

Will taxes rise as Sunak kept saying during the campaign.

Many would say there is a lot to do.  The NHS needs much needed attention.  Waiting Lists are high and medical staff demanding better pay.

Cost of living is affecting many and jobs are few and far between.

How long will it take for the next leader to provide the UK with a better future.


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