/William surprises Rob Burrow and Kevin Sinfield with CBEs
William surprises Rob Burrow and Kevin Sinfield with CBEs

William surprises Rob Burrow and Kevin Sinfield with CBEs

William surprises Rob Burrow and Kevin Sinfield with CBEs

William surprises Rob Burrow and Kevin Sinfield with CBEs

The Prince of Wales surprised former rugby league greats Rob Burrow and Kevin Sinfield by awarding the two with CBEs during a visit to Leeds.

William met the pair at Headingley Stadium – the home of Leeds Rhinos where both men used to play.

Burrow and Sinfield awarded CBEs in the New Year Honours list for their motor neurone disease fundraising.

The pair have raised more than £15m for charities since Burrow was diagnosed with the disease in 2019.

Burrow, a former scrum-half spent his entire professional career with the Rhinos.  He was diagnosed with MND two years after retiring from the sport.

Rob Burrow died Sunday 2 June, 2024.  He was 41.


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