/Virgin Galactic 01 Spaceflight
Virgin Galactic 01 Spaceflight

Virgin Galactic 01 Spaceflight

Virgin Galactic 01 Spaceflight 

Virgin is entering a new space age, propelled by curiosity. Witness what’s in store for the #Galactic01 spaceflight, crewed by researchers from the Italian Air Force & National Research Council of Italy.

Richard Branson is set to become the latest billionaire to enter the space tourism race, trailing behind Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos.

Branson’s Virgin Galactic is gearing up to send four people at least 250,000 feet above Earth’s surface Thursday, marking the company’s maiden commercial flight.

However, Musk and Bezos have launched paying customers to the final frontier over the past two years.

The ‘space barons,’ with a combined net worth of $379.3 billion, are vying for galactic supremacy – and only time will tell who will take the crown.


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