First astronaut with disability cleared for ISS mission – he lost his leg in motorbike accident when 19 but now ready for journey into space
New Image Emerging from House of Stripes
New Image Emerging from House of Stripes. Red stripes gone and replaced with a sophisticated piece of architecture out designing neighbours
London Loo in World’s Top Toilets – puzzled…
London Loo in World’s Top Toilets. Watch as we discovered some members of the public didn’t know what the creative structure was
YouTube review 2020 we are proud
YouTube review 2020 we are proud. It’s a fantastic accolade and wants to shout out to viewers, supporters and the community
How Was Christmas When Austerity Hit Us
How Was Christmas When Austerity Hit Us. Despite less money in 2011 not too many people were missing out especially kids! Is it still the same?
Striped House Demolished – change on the way
Striped House Demolished. It’s caused controversy for four years now the property is going to change. The stripes and boarding gone
Robot Waitress First in UK to Serve Customers
Robot Waitress First in UK to Serve Customers. The diners were thrilled to be served by the chatty Theresa. She’s friendly, sharp and efficient
Thames Memorial First of Its Kind – place…
The All Hallows Church opened its doors to the special Memorial plaque dedicated to ALL who’ve lost their lives to the thames
Thames Memorial Place To Mourn – remembering
Thames Memorial Place To Mourn – packed Church welcomed specially designed plaque for those who wish to mourn loved ones lost to the Thames