/BGT – man gets naked in audition
BGT - man gets naked in audition

BGT – man gets naked in audition

BGT – man gets naked in audition – embarrassing?

BGT – man gets naked in audition

A Britain’s Got Talent hopeful has already found fame in Japan.  He clocks up millions of YouTube views for his racy videos.

Comedian Akira Ohashi stunned viewers of the ITV reality show with he audition.

ITV’s Britain’s Got Talent judge Amanda Holden left stunned as he appeared on stage with just a tray to conceal his modesty.

He first tells Simon CowellAmanda HoldenAlesha Dixon and Bruno Tonioli that he will show them the Blackpool Tower and quickly flips his tray to reveal an image of the landmark.

Ohashi then ties a toy car to a ball, which is covering his privates, and moves along with it – being careful not to reveal too much.

Simon Cowell loved the performance.  He told Akira “he had balls”.  Also said it was amazing and gave him a yes.

Bruno, couldn’t believe what was happening in front of his eyes. Sometimes he looked other tims he turned to the audience not believing what was happening.

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