/D-Day 80th Anniversary – Tom Jones
D-Day 80th Anniversary - Tom Jones performs LIVE

D-Day 80th Anniversary – Tom Jones

D-Day 80th Anniversary – Tom Jones performs LIVE

D-Day 80th Anniversary – Tom Jones performs LIVE

Welsh singer Tom Jones performed a moving rendition of “I Won’t Crumble With You If You Fall”.  It was at the commemorations of the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy on Thursday.

It was a beautiful and stunning musical tribute to the fallen by Sir Tom Jones. A very moving rendition leaving some in tears during the performance.

Sir Tom said on X/twitter it was his honour to perform at the special D-Day 80 event at the British Normandy Memorial.

He added: it was a momentous occasion that reminds us of limitless sacrifices of that campaign and it will be beautiful.”
This proving he still has one of the best voices around at 83 years old. He turns 84 on Friday (June 7). The singer’s grandfather had died in World War One, and is buried in France.

The song “I Won’t Crumble With You If You Fall” written by Bernice Johnson Reagon and on his latest album Surrounded By time


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