/Shakespeare fits The Bill – New Wimbledon
Shakespeare fits The Bill

Shakespeare fits The Bill – New Wimbledon

Shakespeare fits The Bill – performances New Wimbledon theatre

Two actors who were in ITV’s The Bill back in the eighties are to perform in The Merchant of Venice at the New Wimbledon Theatre London.

Ashley Gunstock and Natalie Roles take on the Shakespeare play from 29 November until 2 December. 

The actors will be going head-to-head, as the merchant and the moneylender in Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice.

Both talk to ynuk.tv about the transition from ‘street’ language to centuries old Shakespeare.

For more visit New Wimbledon Theatre: https://www.atgtickets.com/venues/studio-at-new-wimbledon-theatre/

Poetic Justice Productions presents Shakespeare’s most controversial play.  It echoes not only the period in which it was written but that of today’s Britain: the wealthy few have power and the outsider, considered to be dangerous, must be kept in line.


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