/Labour Party Conference – Wes Streeting and NHS
Labour Party Conference - Wes Streeting and NHS

Labour Party Conference – Wes Streeting and NHS

Labour Party Conference – Wes Streeting and NHS – LIVE

Labour Party Conference – Wes Streeting and NHS

UK health secretary Wes Streeting delivers speech on final day of Labour conference.

Streeting: NHS needs reform to make it fairer.  Broken by decade of underinvestment.

Right now the NHS is letting people down.

Speaking of a cancer patient who had to rely on private care, Streeting says Labour will end the “two-tier system of healthcare”.

Streeting says seven in ten people now expect charges from NHS care to be introduced.

“Over my dead body. We will always defend our NHS as a public service, free at the point of use.

“So whenever you fall ill, you never have to worry about the bill,” he tells the conference, to huge applause.”

Earlier,  Streeting told the Labour Party conference that – as well as reforming the NHS – the government wants to do more to ease some of the pressures on the healthcare system.

He cites new measures introduced to improve public health and stop people becoming ill in the first place, including a ban on junk food ads on TV before 21:00.

It is reported there is growing unease with the NHS about the government’s “broken” messaging.

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