/Extreme H new Hydrogen race car revealed
Extreme H new Hydrogen race car revealed

Extreme H new Hydrogen race car revealed

Extreme H new Hydrogen race car revealed – environmentally friendly

Extreme H new Hydrogen race car revealed

The Extreme H, is the groundbreaking new hydrogen racing series, unveiled its pioneering centrepiece Thursday 27 June, with the launch of its first-ever hydrogen-powered racing car.

The ‘Pioneer 25’ hydrogen race car revealed in front of global media and invited guests aboard the series’ St. Helena vessel.  London’s Tower Bridge provided a stunning reveal setting as the countdown officially begins to its maiden season starting in April 2025.

The Extreme H series represents a bold step forward in the transition to clean energy.   Showcasing cutting-edge hydrogen technology in a competitive racing environment.  The Pioneer 25 racing car designed to demonstrate the viability and performance capabilities of hydrogen fuel cells. Plus setting a new standard for eco-friendly motorsport.

Pioneer 25 is designed and manufactured by Spark Racing Technology and equipped with a hydrogen fuel cell from Symbio. Also undergone an intensive testing programme equivalent to three seasons of racing in readiness.

The next major milestone for Extreme H will be the first public test of the Pioneer 25.  Planned to take place at Extreme E’s Hydro X Prix in Scotland next month 13-14 July 2024.


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