/Sydnie Christmas blows judges away
Sydnie Christmas blows judges away

Sydnie Christmas blows judges away

Sydnie Christmas blows judges away – makes it to finals

Sydnie Christmas blows judges away

A singer from Kent who hasn’t yet had her “big break” sent through to the final of Britain’s Got Talent.

Sydnie Christmas received the most votes from the public after her semi-final performance on Wednesday.  Sydnie’s has performed on “a couple of cruises and was in a show in Germany” but dreams of performing on the West End stage.  This before appearing on the show.

Judge Simon Cowell described her powerhouse rendition of Frank Sinatra’s My Way as “11 out of 10”.

Christmas received judge Amanda Holden’s golden buzzer during her first audition meaning she automatically went through to the next round.

Amanda said she could not believe the power of Sydnie’s voice.  Also said her golden buzzer was the most talked about on the street.

Bruno:  you are totally in control with total clarity and power – stunning.

Alesha:  Christmas has come early.

Simon:  I’m dumb founded – you are a superstar – one to beat


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