/Covid Inquiry: O’Neill – sorry for going to Storey funeral
Covid Inquiry: O'Neill - sorry for going to Storey funeral

Covid Inquiry: O’Neill – sorry for going to Storey funeral

Covid Inquiry: O’Neill – sorry for going to Storey funeral – Belfast

Covid Inquiry: O’Neill – sorry for going to Storey funeral

Warning: Occasional strong language may form part of evidence.

Michelle O’Neill, giving evidence to the UK Covid Inquiry in Belfast.

The former deputy First Minister and current First Minister, Northern Ireland emphasised how sorry she was for attending the funeral of former Sinn Féin chairman Bobby Storey.

Ms O’Neill was deputy first minister of Northern Ireland from 2020 to 2022, during which time the Covid pandemic began.

Alongside the then first minister, Arlen Foster, she was jointly responsible for leading the Northern Ireland Executive’s response.

However, Ms O’Neill faced claims she broke coronavirus guidelines in March 2021 when she attended Mr Storey’s funderal.

When asked by the chair Baroness Hallett if she was aware of the hurt and anger at the time, Ms O’Neill replied: “I didn’t and I ought o have.”

Minutes of an executive meeting after the funeral reveal notes from Ms O’Neill, in which she asked her executive to “divorce their views of Mr Storey from her actions.”


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